We’ve always found Carrie Underwood to be down to earth, but the signer’s recent revelation — she does her own hair and makeup on tour! — has us in awe. “When you’re on stage, it’s a little bit different than real life,” she tells Stylelist. “You can kind of pile it on — and you need to for things to show up. You can do things you wouldn’t really do. You can put glitter on your eyes.”
Stage hair is fun to style, too. “The bigger, the better,” Underwood adds. And surprisingly, getting spotlight-ready isn’t stressful for the star. “It’s a nice relaxing time,” she says. “A calm before the storm, if you will.”
Underwood, who’s had long blonde hair for years, says she’s also considering a change at some point. “I wanted to dye my hair darker,” she admits. “Maybe someday I’ll do something a little more drastic.” As long as it doesn’t involve scissors. “I don’t think I’m meant for short hair, though,” she shares. “I don’t feel as pretty when I chop it off, which I have done before.”
She’s also over-styled her hair before — a mistake she won’t make again. “When I was in college, I used a lot of product,” she recalls of trying to play up her natural waves. “I would just put stuff in my hair, and it was like, crunchy. So if I could not do something, I would go back and not do that.”